Audit Mtg Notification



Date / Time:  Wednesday, July 17 at 6:00 p.m.

Location:  Council Chambers, 76 Morison Drive and via Facebook Live at West Hants Regional Municipality, 


Agenda Package will be posted here 












Continued collectionCurbside collections continue as usual. GFL will use their discretion on roads that look unsafe to travel on.

Please review storm-debris disposal information on our website:

If you have additional questions, please reach out to our Waste Services Coordinator at 902-798-8391 ext. 146.

Current Emerg Updates InfoHeavy Rain Alert and Thunderstorm Watch - WHRM EMO has activated its Emergency Coordination Centre (ECC) to Level 2 (partial activation).  This means there are trained staff and first responder support within the ECC.  Meetings are ongoing with agencies for situational awareness and NS EMO has been advised of our situation.

Please refer to the "Current Emergencies" page for updates

campaign school poster 1

Public Info Mtg Notification



This meeting will be held in the Sanford Council Chambers at 76 Morison Drive, Windsor, to receive public input on a development agreement application to permit a take-out café on 1809 Highway 1, Falmouth (PID 45026820).

You are welcome to attend the meeting in person. If you would like to attend virtually by Zoom, please contact Vanessa Lake (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by noon on July 12, 2024. The meeting will also be available to view live on the Municipal Facebook page:

The agenda can be found by clicking here.







Public Hearing Notification


These meetings will be held in the Council Chambers at 76 Morison Drive, Windsor, to explain and receive public input on:

• potential amendments to the West Hants Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law to change the required setback for new large-scale wind turbines to 2.5 km from abutting lots with frontage on a roadway, unless written permission is given by the abutting property owner,
• Windsor Municipal Planning Strategy and Windsor Land Use By-law text and map amendments to create and include PID 45056447 and 45227279 in the Nesbitt Island designation and the Mixed Use (MU) zone and create policies to allow Council to consider multiple unit, mixed use developments in excess of four storeys in height by development agreement in the Nesbitt Island designation, and
• a continuation of the Public Hearing for a development agreement to permit a multi-unit residential development on PIDs 45053030, 45343894, 45343878, 45234382, Payzant Drive, Windsor.

You are welcome to attend these meetings in person. If you would like to participate virtually via Zoom, please contact Deanna Snair (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by noon on July 19, 2024. These meetings will also be streamed live on our Facebook page:




