The West Hants Regional Municipality has many comfort centres that may be activated during an emergency event and typically after 72-hours.  Depending on the event, they may open sooner.  Nova Scotia's Emergency Management Office has identified many criteria and guidelines for municipalities to consider before designating a facility as a comfort centre.

The Municipality is aware that there are some other private locations within our region that open their doors as a 'community courtesy' during a time of need; however, they are outside of what the Municipality has designated as "comfort centres".  The comfort centres offered by West Hants Regional Municipality (through partnerships), include:


Comfort Centre Address  Availabilities Status 
Brooklyn Civic Centre (at BFD Station 1) 995 Hwy. 215, Brooklyn, NS (Newport) Power via back-up generator, light refreshments incl. water, accessible, showers/bathrooms, device charging CLOSED
Brooklyn Fire Station (at BFD Station 2) N/A Not official comfort centre (yet).  In the process of installing infrastructure.  Once complete, this will be updated. N/A
Royal Canadian Legion Br. 009 35 Empire Lane, Windsor, NS  Power via back-up generator, light refreshments incl. water, accessible, bathrooms, device charging CLOSED
Southwest Hants Fire Hall 1884 Hwy. 14, Vaughans, NS Power via back-up generator, light refreshments incl. water, accessible, bathrooms, device charging CLOSED
Summerville Fire Hall 59 Summerville Wharf Rd, Summerville, NS Power via back-up generator, light refreshments incl. water, accessible, bathrooms, device charging CLOSED
Walton Shore Fire Hall 4281 Walton Woods Road, Walton, NS Power via back-up generator, light refreshments incl. water, accessible, bathrooms, device charging CLOSED
West Hants Ground Search & Rescue 821 Hwy. 1, Mount Denson, NS Power via back-up generator, light refreshments incl. water, accessible, bathrooms, device charging CLOSED
Windsor Community Centre 78 Thomas Street, Windsor, NS Power via back-up generator, light refreshments incl. water, accessible, bathrooms, device charging CLOSED
Emergency Shelter Address  Availabilities Status 
Hants County War Memorial Community Centre (Windsor Community Centre) 78 Thomas Street, Windsor, NS Same as comfort centre plus cots and other potential amenities (for overnight) - Activated in-conjunction with Canadian Red Cross CLOSED
Royal Canadian Legion Br. 009 35 Empire Lane, Windsor, NS Same as comfort centre plus cots and other potential amenities (for overnight) - Activated in-conjunction with Canadian Red Cross CLOSED