
What is Stormwater?

Stormwater is rainfall and snowmelt that seeps into the ground or runs off the land into storm sewers, streams and lakes. It may also include runoff from activities such as watering lawns, washing cars and draining pools.

Stormwater Management Plans

Stormwater Management Plans have been created for the growth centers of Falmouth and Three Mile Plains, and the Community of Hantsport. The purpose of these studies were to assess the performance of the current drainage systems for a series of scenarios, including existing and future conditions.

The effects of climate change have also been investigated as part of the study. Preliminary recommendations have been developed for areas of concern with respect to the need for stormwater conveyance improvements. Acknowledging that many areas of concern are related to provincial infrastructure, recommendations also include improvements that can be implemented on municipal property such as low impact design (LID) elements.

Download the documents below:

pdf Falmouth Stormwater Management Plan (5.15 MB)

pdf Hantsport Stormwater Management Study (3.95 MB)

pdf Three Mile Plains Flood Risk Assessment Report (41.36 MB)

pdf Windsor Stormwater Management Plan  (101.71 MB)

pdf Windsor Stormwater Phase 2  (6.44 MB)