What is Planning?

Planning is the consideration of the use of land and resources. Planning examines the community's goals and values for growth and development, provides options on how to reach these goals and minimizes conflict that could arise when trying to reach the goals.


What is a Municipal Planning Strategy?

The Municipal Planning Strategy sets out the vision, goals, objectives, and policies for growth and development within WHRM for the next 25 years. A Municipal Planning Strategy is the cornerstone for decision-making related to land use and development, and must be kept current to reflect the vision and goals the community is trying to achieve.

A Municipal Planning Strategy helps to ensure:

• Compatibility of neighbouring land uses (e.g. residential, commercial, employment, parks and open space);
• An appropriate mix and amount of development;
• Effective management and/or protection of natural resources;
• Protection and preservation of natural and cultural heritage resources;
• Cost-effective and timely delivery of infrastructure and municipal services;
• Protection of surface and groundwater; and
• Sustainable economic and community growth.

Specific policies in each of these areas provide direction on how development should occur. The Municipal Planning Strategy also includes a series of Schedules (maps) that identify a series of land use designations where specific existing and future land uses are permitted.


What is a Land Use By-law?

A Land Use By-law is a legal document and planning tool which implements the policies of the Municipal Planning Strategy by establishing various zones and standards that regulate land uses and how a property may be developed within each zone in WHRM.

A Land Use By-law establishes:

• A series of zones, which are illustrated on Schedules (maps) and the different types of uses that are permitted on a property in each Zone;
• Standards such as lot size, lot coverage, and setbacks which determine where buildings and structures can be located on a property; and
• Other development requirements, such as those related to building height, parking and landscaping.

Zoning helps to reduce land use conflicts between incompatible land uses by prescribing the types of uses that are permitted in specific areas. Zoning can also be used to protect or enhance the character of a community or area through development standards.

The MPS contains the long-term vision (20+years) for what the community will become. The LUB contains the rules used to make that vision a reality. The SUB regulates the division and addition of land.


What is a Plan Review?

A plan review is a chance to review the current planning documents and accommodate changes to the environmental, social, and economic climate. The last Plan Review was completed in 2008 in West Hants and 2005 in Windsor.


How does this project affect me?

Since the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law guide and regulate where and how future growth and development in WHRM will occur, it is important to have a wide variety of input into the review of these documents to help establish a common vision. Residents, business owners, and organizations have valuable information to share in this process.

• Do you think there is a need for more diverse housing options?
• Would you like to see more greenspaces and trails in your community?
• Are you concerned about protecting natural areas?
• Are you concerned about where and how new growth and development occurs?
• Do you have ideas for how to mitigate land use conflicts?
• What areas are valued community resources, and what could be improved?

These are just a few examples of the many ways in which your community’s Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law affects you. Please take every opportunity to be involved in the process – your input is important!


Upcoming Events

We need your help to determine what the Region should become. Please check back for future events!

Public Open House #1 and Visioning Survey

Thank you to those who participated in our first Public Open House for the project, which was held on March 27, 2024! At the open house, WHRM staff, WSP and Brighter presented an overview of the project process, timelines, and the Draft Background Review and Policy Directions Report (April 2024). All of the feedback gathered has been compiled into the Final Background Review and Policy Directions Report (May 2024) which can be found by clicking pdf here (4.76 MB) .

Past Events:

  • March 18, 2024 – WSP Workshop with the Planning and Heritage Advisory Committee
  • March 25, 2024 – Stakeholder Workshop with WSP
  • March 27, 2024 – Public Open House with WSP


Responses to previous engagement events hosted by West Hants Regional Municipality can be read in the "What We Heard" Reports for West Hants and Windsor.


Why Does Your Opinion Matter?

We need your help in determining what West Hants Regional Municipality will become.

Planning documents guide how the Municipality will make decisions on new development, land use, and infrastructure over the next 20 years. Your feedback will help us learn what works and what could be done better to achieve the goals of our communities. All feedback will be documented in a “What We Heard” report which will be available to the public and circulated to Councillor and staff.

In addition to the Public Open House, a Visioning Survey was launched in March 2024. The responses will help inform the preparation of the Final Background Review and Policy Directions Report and the New Regional Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law. The Visioning Survey closed on April 17, 2024, and the results have been incorporated into the Final Background Review and Policy Directions Report.

All comments received are equally important – no matter how they are provided (open house, survey, email, etc.)

You may also contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions or call any of the following Planning and Development staff to tell us your thoughts.

  • Kari Fougere, Acting Director of Planning and Development - 902-798-8391 Ext. 114
  • Alex Dunphy, Senior Planner - 902-798-8391 Ext. 118




Background Reports 


population pdf Population Background (2.74 MB)
housing pdf Housing Background (4.94 MB)
 land pdf Land Background (5.71 MB)
 agra pdf Agriculture (5.05 MB)
 ECD pdf Economic Development (5.01 MB)
 infra pdf Infrastructure (9.50 MB)
 industry pdf Industry and Resource (5.38 MB)
 heritage   pdf Heritage and Culture (6.81 MB)
health pdf Community Health and Services (6.58 MB)