Curbside pickup routes are divided into 4 collection areas: Area 1, Area 2, Area 3, and Windsor Area. Within these collection areas, in total, there are 10 separate collection routes operating in WHRM! 

To view your personal collection schedule: Enter your Address HERE 


Green Bin To submit a request for a new green bin click on the bin. 



WHRM provides an updated waste collection schedule each year, which includes a sorting guide and collection guidelines for each of the 4 areas. Find the 2024 edition below:

AREA 1: Area 1 is divided into 4 collection routes, running from Monday to Thursday

Includes communities of: Falmouth, Upper Falmouth, Mt. Denson (Hwy 1 from Falmouth to Apple Tree Rd.), Leminster, Vaughan, Upper Vaughan, Wile Settlement, Mill Section, Windsor Forks, Martock, Garlands Crossing, Currys Corner, Three Mile Plains, Newport Station (West of Hwy 101), St. Croix (West of Hwy 101).

AREA 2: Area 2 is divided into 4 collection routes, running from Monday to Thursday

Includes communities of: Walton, Pembroke, Cambridge, Bramber, Cheverie, Kempt Shore, Summerville, Riverside, Cogmagun, Upper Burlington, Centre Burlington, Lower Burlington, Belmont, Avondale, Poplar Grove, Mantua, Wentworth Creek, Gypsum Mines, Sweets Corner, Woodville, Brooklyn, Newport Corner, Ellershouse, Ardoise, McKay Section, Greenhill, Hillsvale. 

AREA 3: Area 3 consists of 1 collection route, operating on Fridays

Includes communities of: Hantsport, Bishopville, Hants Border (Bog Rd from and including Old Post Rd to Hantsport), Mt. Denson (Hwy 1 from and including Apple Tree Road/ Aberdeen Beach Rd to Hantsport, McKinley Rd and Schurman Rd). 

 WINDSOR AREA: Windsor Area consists of 1 collection route, operating on Fridays 

This applies to all residences previously included in the Former Town Limits  for the Town of Windsor collection area.


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  • NO plastic or plastic-like material is permitted in the Green Cart, including compost bags and other bio-degradable plastic.

    • Paper compost bags are suitable for green cart use 

  • CLEAR BAGS ONLY -- no solid-coloured bags are permitted for curbside collection*

    • For Garbage, 1 small solid-coloured 'privacy bag' can be placed into each clear garbage bag if needed. 

    • For Recycling, clear colourless OR clear-blue bags can be used. There is no 'privacy bag' permitted for the recycling stream. 

    • *Windsor Residents: until the new WHRM Solid Waste Bylaw is merged, Windsor residents are still allowed to place ONE(1) solid-coloured bag for collection on garbage day only. See additional information under "Collection Limits" below. 

  • WHRM does not have a "spring cleanup" collection event for bulky items. Instead...

    • Each Garbage day (bi-weekly), you can swap 1 bag for 1 (non-metal) bulky item, all year long! (i.e. couch, a bundle of siding, vacuum, mattress, etc.)

    • Weight limit: 70kg (154 lbs)  |  General size limit: 1.22m x 1.83m  |  Bundle hard-to-collect items like lumber, carpet, etc. 

      • Mattresses and box springs are an exception to these sizing restrictions... but remember - only one bulky item at a time! 
    • Additional bulky items should be stored until your next garbage day, or brought to the West Hants landfill for disposal. 

  • Bulky Metal is collected once per year during a Special Collection event. See details below under "Special Collections"

  • See "Collection Limits" detailed below for bag limits 

 To ensure collection, ITEMS MUST BE PLACED CURBSIDE BY 7:00AM on the morning of your collection day




**For AREA 1, AREA 2 & AREA 3 only - See the Windsor Area collection limits below** 

  • Garbage: 6 bags (OR 5 bags + 1 non-metal bulky item)
  • Recycling: 10 bags (or swap each bag with a bundle of cardboard)
  • Green Cart: 1 full green cart. Must be able to close the lid. 
  • Leaf & Yard Waste: You are permitted to place up to 3 paper bags of leaf & yard waste next to your green cart on your compost day.
    • You can swap 1 paper bag for 1 bundle of brush
    • Brush must be tied into neat bundles. Branches should be no thicker than 3", no longer than 1.2m (4ft) and no heavier than 22kg (55lbs)


**For  WINDSOR AREA  only **

  • Garbage: 4 bags total + 1 non-metal bulky item. (1 clear bag can be swapped for 1 black bag)
  • Recycling: 4 bags (blue bag #1 & #2 combined)
  • Green Cart: 1 full green cart. Must be able to close the lid. 
  • Leaf & Yard Waste: Windsor residents have a special collection for this type of waste that occurs on the last Monday of every month, from April - November only. You are allowed:
    • 2 bundles of brush (no more than 105cm in length or 25kg in weight), neatly & securely tied into bundles.
    • An unlimited number of bags containing leaves and grass clippings
    • paper yard waste bags OR securely tied orange or clear plastic bags can be used
    • PLEASE NOTE: Disposal of trees and large amounts of hedge or shrubbery is not permitted under this special collection.  



Curbside disposal is available for certain materials during "special collection" events: 

waste_section_of_website_2.pngMetal Waste

 Metal Collection Week occurs once per year, typically in June. There is no limit to the number of metal pieces placed curbside, but some restrictions do apply. Learn more here: Metal disposal in WHRM 

Please note: Fridges, freezers, air conditioners, water coolers and other items that contain refrigerants can be tricky items to dispose of. Because of a chemical they contain called CFCs (freeon), they fall under the 'Household Hazardous Waste' (HHW) category, and some extra steps will be required. Click here to read more on the disposal of items containing refrigerant. 


Untitled_design_1.pngChristmas Trees  

  • In the moth of January on your regular organic (green bin)  pick up dates your tree can be placed roadside for pick up. Windsor Residents will have a scheduled date which will be announced in December 2024.
  • Alternatively, Christmas trees can be brought to the West Hants Landfill anytime for FREE disposal, where the trees are chipped and upcycled as landfill cover.

    • WINDSOR AREA : there is an area-rated collection event for Christmas Trees in January; please see "Special Collections" below for more information. 

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 Q&A: Why are waste guidelines different depending on where I live?


The following video explains why WHRM residents see differences in waste guidelines depending on where they live! 

Educational Video:


 Contacts & Resources