The West Hants Inspire Fund

The West Hants Inspire Fund (commonly known as The Inspire Fund) is a funding program that assists with the cost of recreation opportunities within West Hants Regional Municipality.

For the purpose of this fund, “recreation opportunities” includes any structured activity such as:

  • recreation programs offered by the West Hants Regional Municipality (including but not limited to summer camp, swim lessons, art programs, etc.),
  • programs or activities offered within the municipality by registered businesses, registered not-for-profit organizations that are in good standing with the Registry of Joint Stock Companies, or community sport organizations that are governed by a provincial sport organizatioon (including but not limited to gym or yoga studio memberships, art programs or memberships, and organized sport registration).
    • Each application will be considered on a case-by-case basis, as each program or activity being applied for must demonstrate a physical or artistic component providing physical or mental health benefits. Therefore, not all programs or activities will be funded.



  • Considers recreational need by applying a Community Development approach: supporting individuals as well as local community organizations and registered businesses that provide recreation opportunities in the West Hants Regional Municipality. This approach adds to the vibrancy of our community.
  • Supports active lifestyles in the West Hants Region.
  • Gives opportunities to those who face barriers to participating in recreation and physical activity opportunities.
  • The application process is low barrier to provide an equitable approach for those who already face significant barriers.
  • Empowers individual community members to choose their recreation opportunity.
  • Supports physical, mental and social well-being.
  • Builds confidence, leaderships skills and self-esteem.
  • Provides opportunity to be part of a team or try a new activity.


Funding eligibility guidelines

  • An applicant (or the dependent for which they are applying for) must meet the following criteria:
  • Be a resident within the West Hants Regional Municipality.
  • Applicants must provide one of the following:
    • Provide proof of a total household income less than the Low-Income Cut-Off (LICO) set by Statistics Canada (updated annually), by submitting a Notice of Assessment (one for each parent/guardian in the household). Please ensure your total income (line 15000) does not exceed the cut offs listed below for your family size:
      2 person family - $36,576
      3 person family - $44,966
      4 person family - $54,594
      5 person family - $61,920
      6 person family - $69,835
      7 person family or more - $77,751
  • OR - Provide a reference that is familiar with the household personal and financial situation who can verify that the applicant requires financial assistance to participate in the chosen recreational opportunity.
    • The reference should be an adult who knows the individual or family (not a relative or close friend). Examples of acceptable references: Social Worker, Schools Plus Staff, Family Resource Centre Staff, Community Service Staff, Clergy, Teacher, Principal, Teacher, RCMP, Doctor, Municipal Councillor, Member of Parliament, Employer.


Fund Access Criteria

  • Applicants must submit an online application or complete a paper application, and submit any required documentation/details, prior to program registration. Last minute applicants should expect administrative delays pending the number of applications received or being processed at any given time.
  • Applicants must give permission for the municipal representative to communicate with the specified reference and the registered business, not-for-profit organization, or community sport organization who is offering the chosen recreation opportunity to arrange payment on their behalf. Identities of those who apply are respected and kept confidential outside of those required reasons for communication.
  • Applicants, 4-100+ years of age, are eligible for up to $200 per fiscal year (April-March). Recipients are required to apply each year.
    • Applicants 4-18 years of age who are participating in organized sport, must apply to Jumpstart ($300 per eligible child/activity to a maximum of $600/year) and/or Kidsport ($500 per eligible child/year) first, before accessing Inspire West Hants Funds. Applicants must provide proof of application and/or successful or declined application.
    • If you have received funding through Kidsport and/or Jumpstart for an activity, you cannot apply to the Inspire Fund for the same activity. However, you can apply for another activity.
  • Applicants can apply for assistance at any time of year and multiple times, howevertheir eligibility expires when the $200.00 value has been awarded within the fiscal year.
  • Applications will be considered on a first come, first served basis and will only be awarded to the extent the current fiscal budget permits.
  • Applicants will be informed of the status of their application as quickly as possible. If applying for registration fees, payment will be made directly to the organization where the individual is registered (for example: sport organization, gym, yoga studio, Ski Martock).


How do I apply?

  • Complete the online application form:
  • Paper copies are available at the West Hants Regional Municipal Office (76 Morison Drive, Windsor), Windsor Community Centre (78 Thomas Street, Windsor), and West Hants Sports Complex (16 Centennial Drive, Windsor), and through various community partners such as Schools Plus and the Family Resource Centre of West Hants. Completed paper application forms are to be returned to the any of the above locations, marked with ATTN: Kathy Johnston-Isenor, Manager, Recreation & Community Engagement.


How will I know if I am approved?

A municipal employee will contact you via email and/or phone.


Financial Support

The Inspire Fund is funded through the Municipal operating budget. We also receive financial donations to sustain the Inspire Fund from the following:

  • Business donations – contact Kathy for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 902-790-6976
  • Individual donations – donations above $25 will receive an income tax receipt. Donation cheques can be made payable to “West Hants Regional Municipality – Inspire Fund”)
  • Donations may be collected at events hosted by the West Hants Regional Municipality Community Development Department (including, but not limited to: Winter Carnival, Easter Egg Hunt, and Halloween Scavenger Hunt).


Privacy Policy

We uphold and enforce the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act to ensure any and all personal information is secured and only shared for the purpose it was provided, in accordance with the law. This means:

  • We do not disclose personal information without permission.


Apply Online

 appadult   appchildren


Nova Scotia Kidsport Program

KidSport is a national children's program that helps kids overcome the financial barriers preventing or limiting their participation in organized sport.

Managed and operated by Sport Nova Scotia since 1994, KidSport provides grants to help cover the costs of registration fees so that all kids aged 18 and under can play a season of sport. The chapter accepts applications and administers grants of up to $300 per kid/year, for kids who live in Kings / West Hants.

Click here to learn more about their program and to start your application. You can also connect with their local office by calling 902-425-5450 ext. 350 or by emailing them at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Canadian Tire Jumpstart

Founded in 2005, Jumpstart Charities helps kids overcome financial and accessibility barriers to sport and recreation in an effort to provide inclusive play for kids of all abilities.

Sometimes, families need financial assistance to get their kids into a sport or physical activity. Jumpstart is committed to helping all families access a range of activities, from boxing to bowling and skating to skiing, and more.

Click here to apply and to find more information on the program including eligibility, what is covered and funding details.