New Outdoor Fires By-law
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Click the image to watch the short animated video. It provides some by-law highlights in less than two minutes.
You are also encouraged to review the pdf Outdoor Fires By-law (8.71 MB) for details.
Canada's National Housing Strategy
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Developers and Community Housing Providers, DID YOU KNOW? The Federal Government is supporting the creation of affordable housing through the National Housing Strategy.
National Housing Strategy Initiatives (including funding or financing):
• Creating a new housing supply
• Modernizing existing housing
• Providing resources for Community Housing Providers
• Promoting innovation and research
Click the link below for more information including tips on how to apply for funding or financing:
Canada-Nova Scotia Targeted Housing Benefit
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DID YOU KNOW? The Federal Government offers the Canada-Nova Scotia Targeted Housing Benefit.
This benefit provides funding directly to people in need so they can choose their own housing and pay a portion of their housing costs.
Eligible homeowners can receive support to stay in their own homes and eligible renters have the ability to take the benefit with them if they move to another apartment in the province.
Click this link for more information:
Our Brand ~ Our Story
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A brand represents who we are, what we stand for, and how people and stakeholders experience us. It is why people want to live here, work here, build a business, invest, do business with us, and visit. It is also our commitment to a guaranteed experience.
Over the past nine months, our Branding Leadership team consisting of community participants and staff have worked with branding & marketing consultant Prime Creative to create a community brand for West Hants Regional Municipality. Their experiences, expertise and enthusiasm paired with a review of the past few years' community engagements, data and great conversation have brought us to where we are now…our new brand.
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