The West Hants Bulk Water Stations are located at 18 Station Lane, Falmouth behind the Petro Canada & (Coming this Spring 2025) 5984 Hwy#14, Garlands Crossing both marked in red on the maps included.
You can buy water at the new fill station using a pre-paid card lock system. You must complete a new permit application form for each vehicle used to haul water, then arrange to have the vehicle(s) inspected. The Municipality will assign a unique KEY FOB to each vehicle set up under your new account. Pre-paid funds can be used by any vehicle(s) linked to your account.
The Bulk Water Station will be regulated through the West Hants Water Utility in accordance with the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board.
Regulated fees and costs for bulk water as listed below:
* Initial Set-Up $60.00
(per vehicle) Includes account set-up, first annual vehicle inspection and initial KEY FOB
* Annual Inspection $50.00
* Replacement KEY FOB $25.00
Bulk Water Rate $9.17/m3 (220 gallons) effective April 1 2025 Minimum purchase of $40.00
Next Steps:
1. Complete the Application for Water Hauler Permit (KEY FOB # and PIN # will be assigned by the Municipality)
Click Here
(1.14 MB)
for Application
2. Call Karrie at 902-798-8391, Ext. 125 to arrange your initial vehicle inspection. Bring your application. All vehicle inspections are conducted at the Public Works Shed, 54 Park Drive, Windsor
3. Allow up to 48 hours after your vehicle inspection for your new account to be set up
4. Pay the initial setup fee of $60.00. Obtain your KEY FOB and PIN number. Pre-load your account with funds at the Municipal Office, 76 Morison Drive