Toilets are NOT Trash Cans
Prevent Plumbing Problems & Protect the Quality of our Water!
Our sewer system isn't designed to dispose of anything beyond human waste, toilet paper and wastewater.
Even products labelled "flushable"
should not be flushed.
If it doesn't affect your household plumbing, it can create issues within the municipal sewer system and wastewater treatment facilities, resulting in costly maintenance and repairs.
Certain materials being improperly flushed down the drain can also have a serious effect on the environment. Our wastewater treatment facility operates on a delicate balance of microbes and is designed to process human waste and biodegradable tissue only. Most of the inorganic solids can be separated before the process begins, but any chemicals that enter the treatment facility not only has the potential to kill off the bacteria it depends on, but it will make its way into receiving waters. This includes pharmaceuticals, vitamins, chemical fertilizers, and harsh cleaning products. Believe it or not... even large quantities of nutrient-rich food byproducts, sugars, and yeast can offset the microbial balance... Yikes!
Please think before you flush and help keep our wastewater systems clear!
Unsure where something belongs?
Go to our Waste App: R6Recycles to learn how to properly dispose of all waste items.