3yr Permit Fee Removal


We have great news!

As you may know, WHRM received a commitment of over $1.08 million from the Government of Canada through the Housing Accelerator Fund, to be used to influence policy changes that support the development of new housing. WHRM submitted a Housing Action Plan as part of the application to the program which outlined 7 actions the Municipality would take to help support this goal.

Action 4 was to remove permit fees for secondary suites. On May 28, Council approved amendments to the Fees Policy to remove the development and building permit fees for secondary suite applications for the next three years (May 29, 2024, to 2027)!

For more information, please contact the Planning and Development Department at 902-798-8391 ext. 115 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.