Be bear-ready this spring with the following tips & resources! 

  • Freeze smelly food waste (such as fish & other meat) until collection day
  • Store green bins & garbage containers in a shed until the morning of pick up
  • wrap or layer food waste in your green bin with paper or other carbon-based materials to reduce odour
  • turn garden/backyard compost piles often and add lime to reduce odour
  • keep pet food bowls indoors
  • burn off barbecue grills at high temperatures after every use and clean them often
  • pick fruit from trees as soon as it ripens
  • keep your windows closed to prevent kitchen cooking smells from wafting outside.
  • avoid using bird feeders in bear season (April-October)


If you're looking for more information on nuisance bears, please browse the following resources provided by the Province of Nova Scotia:

1) Black Bears live near you
2) How to Avoid Problems with Bears
3) Nature's Resources Article on Black Bears